2023 Virginia
International Tattoo

Evoke is proud to continue our partnership with the Virginia International Tattoo, a premier military tattoo and the signature event of the Virginia Arts Festival.

Since its debut in 1997, this annual showcase in Norfolk, Virginia has featured an impressive lineup of military bands, massed pipes and drums, military drill teams, Celtic dancers, and choirs, all presented in collaboration with NATO and the Norfolk NATO Festival.

As the largest event of its kind in the United States, the Virginia International Tattoo attracts over 38,000 attendees each year, including more than 16,000 local students at the annual student matinees. Recognized as one of the American Bus Association’s Top North American Events for 2016, it is also one of the seven founding members of the International Association of Tattoo Organizers (IATO).

Evoke Collaborative is honored to once again design the lighting for the 2023 Virginia International Tattoo, building on our successful work from 2019 and 2022.


Herrick Goldman lighting designer

Benny Kirkham lighting programmer

Ryan Ward of Light Action production electrician

Heiko DeWees photos
De Ann Troen photos